I heart Norwex

by - Monday, August 15, 2011

If you are unfamiliar, Norwex makes environmentally friendly cleaning products.  No need for harmful chemicals or paper towels.  And they work.Last month I had a Norwex party, courtesy of Mandi, and I got some pretty sweet stuff! (Thanks to everyone who made a purchase!)My Norwex collection:
Some of it is actually Ahmed's...but we decided to share :)

Products pictured:  envirocloths, window cloths, travel pack, body pack, make up removal pack, mop starter pack, rubber brush, dusting mitt, sportzyme, de scaler, mattress cleaner, cleaning paste, and spirinetts.  
Why I heart Norwex:  I have found that all of the products I have are excellent.  My favorite is the basic pack (envirocloth and window cloth). The envirocloth removes bacteria from surfaces without cross contaminating (so you don't move bacteria around...not even to your hands!), plus the microfibers are of such great quality that it is great for deep cleaning.  For example, I cleaned a bbq sauce stain out of beige carpet using nothing but my envirocloth and water. It took less than a minute.  
That's just the envirocloth.  If you want to know about anything else, ask me- or check out Mandi's website.  I would recommend hosting a party...it has some pretty good kick-backs.

PS- I'm only sharing this because I want to share something I think is pretty great :)

PS- I'm only sharing this because I want to share something I think is pretty great :)

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