A few years ago, my family was having some difficulty finding a time when we could all celebrate Christmas together. The only time that seemed to work was Christmas morning, so we opted for Christmas brunch. It turned out great and was a lot of fun, so it has been something we have continued doing. To add to the fun, everyone who is available attends a Christmas Eve candle light service and then spends the night at my parents’ house. Kind of like when we were kids, except our family has doubled in size :)
After Christmas Eve candlelight service. The kids looked so cute!
There probably will be a day when this tradition has to end, but for now it is my favorite. Another fun tradition is a mystery gift from my parents, where everyone takes turns asking yes or no questions to try and figure out what the gift is. Whoever figures it out first gets to take the gift. My mom has been impressively creative with this, with past gifts including things like a gas gift card and quesadilla maker. This year my brother got to take home a cordless drill.
Whole family on Christmas morning
We also have traditions of gift giving, photo ops, jammies for the kids, extended family parties, and eating ridiculous amounts of food. My family isn’t perfect, and we have our own sets of problems and quirks just like everyone else, but when we’re all together like this we always have a lot of fun.
The kids are always a great source of entertainment, and my mom always says we need to write down some of the hilarious things they say, so here’s a quick cute story… While recalling something that happened earlier this week, my brother asked, “Emma, what did you say when you got stuck under the table?” Emma replied, “Ayúdame.” While everyone was laughing and discussing how our little Dora and Diego fan didn’t even actually know what the correctly-used phrase meant, James chimed in with, “Emma, next time you should say ayúdame, por favor.” I can’t even type that without laughing out loud right now :)
The kids in their new jammies
Ahmed and I before the Christmas Eve service
After lots of delicious food, some fun games, movies, and great quality family time, Christmas is over for this year. I am so thankful for all of the wonderful memories we have made while celebrating the birth of Christ. Everyone has left my parents’ house, but lucky for me, I have another week before I have to go to work! We still have some more celebrating to do :) I hope everyone had a merry and blessed Christmas!
We're all a little weird :)
This past month has been a little crazy. Between moving to a new apartment and adjusting to working 50 hours a week, I have been finding my evenings seem very short.
I was fortunate enough to have the entire week of Thanksgiving off, so Ahmed and I decided to spend the week in Iowa. (He had to work part of the week, but was able to work remote :). The week consisted of a lot of family time and delicious food, and unfortunately, a few sick germs were passed around.
Overall, it was a wonderful week. Meaningful conversations with family members and ample time with my nephews and niece bring me so much joy. In fact, I was so busy enjoying and savoring my time with everyone that the only pictures I have from the week are a few on my phone. As much as I love to have pictures later, sometimes it's just nice to relax and take it all in!
I was reflecting on the many many things that I am thankful for (what else would you be asked to do at a Thanksgiving service?), the thing that I really pondered was God's faithfulness and promises. Even when things don't turn out like I want or expect them too, I always know deep down that I will be fine.
For a while I have felt stuck in the same place, and not a place I want to be. Which reminds me of the Dr. Seuss book, Oh, the Places You'll Go! You will come to a place where the streets are not marked.Some windows are lighted. But mostly they're darked.A place you could sprain both your elbow and chin!Do you dare to stay out? Do you dare to go in?....You can get so confusedthat you'll start in to racedown long wiggled roads at a break-necking paceand grind on for miles across weirdish wild space,headed, I fear, toward a most useless place.The Waiting Place... There is definitely part of me that is stuck in a waiting place. I try not to dwell in this "waiting place", because there are too many wonderful things I would miss. But sometimes it's not easy. Thankfully, God has always been there during these times to carry me through and remind me He is the one in control.
A couple of days after the church service, I was reminded again of God's faithfulness. Isaiah 40:28-31:
Do you not know?Have you not heard?The Lord is the everlasting God,the Creator of the ends of the earth.He will not grow tired or weary,and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the wearyand increases the power of the weak.Even youths grow tired and weary,and young men stumble and fall;but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.They will soar on wings like eagles;they will run and not grow weary,they will walk and not be faint. And one last thing to be thankful for: Christmas Season! The only part of winter I really enjoy :)
Ahmed and I made another trip to Iowa this weekend to join in the celebration of some birthdays, one being Emma's THIRD Birthday! I can't believe she is three. She has changed so much in the past year, and is turning into quite the little lady. She is just so sweet! Here’s a little sneak peak:
I also took a few photos for Adam and Tammy's Christmas card, and we had a little fun :)
What a great weekend with some beautiful weather! Happy Birthday Miss Emma Sue!
If anyone would like affordable family or children pictures, let me know :)
I haven’t posted for a while…so here is a little update.Against my wishes, fall has arrived in full force. I may not enjoy the cooler weather, but I have been making the best of it so far….The weekend after Labor Day, Ahmed and I attended yet another wedding. We had a lot of fun celebrating with some friends- congrats Mr. and Mrs. Oeltjen!
Also in September, Ahmed took his annual hiking trip with my brother, and since at the time I was still jobless, I spent some quality time with my family while he was out of town. :)
On what was possibly my last ideal weather day of the year, Ahmed and I enjoyed the warm temps by taking in some fall scenery at a local park.
Oh yeah, and I have started a new job! After 6 weeks of no job and a few months of searching, I suddenly had three job offers at once- definitely an answer to prayer! I didn’t mean to take so long to update on the job status, but Ahmed and I have also been staying busy with getting in shape (Insanity Workout for almost 3 weeks!) and some fall cleaning.
I am already going into my third week of nannying for one of the sweetest almost-one-year-old little girls! One toddler is a big change of pace from two teenagers with autism, but so far I love it. I have been so fortunate to work for some of the most wonderful people I have ever met in all of my nanny jobs- this one included!
A huge thank you to all of my friends and family who have provided me with love and support, especially in the last couple months. I am so blessed!
Christmas is great, don't get me wrong, but I LOVE summer! Warm sunshine, green grass and leaves (although that was lacking this year), grilling, evening walks, lemonade, ice cream, bonfires, listening to cicadas, pools, lakes, sandals, HEAT. Yes, heat. All summer long I carry around a sweater to wear inside, because lots of businesses turn into ice boxes during the summer. After being in an ice box building, I think one of the best feelings is ditching my cardigan and getting into a 120ish degree car and instantly warming up. Feel free to call me crazy.
With that said, how is it already the middle of September? Even though it was 90 degrees outside today, the feeling of summer is already gone. Other than school starting and Labor Day, the end of summer was also signified by Ahmed's birthday. Ahmed turned the big 3-0 on August 29th, which he celebrated with three nights of birthday fun. I also remade last year's delicious cake.This year's cake turned out even better. Similar to last year, I had a botched batch of frosting. However, the second round frosting was not store bought, and turned out to be my new favorite! I am not a huge frosting person, and this cake is rather rich, so I was going for something on the light side. This recipe turned out exactly how I was hoping it would. Well, other than my decorating skills.
Birthday boy and I out for dinner at Chester's
I posted the cake recipe last year, so here is the recipe for the frosting:
Best Whipped Frosting(Adapted from canyoustayfordinner.com)
1 cup milk1/4 cup plus 1 tbs (5 tbs) flour2 tsp vanilla1 cup butter, at room temperature1 1/4 cups granulated sugar (not powdered sugar)
In a medium saucepan, whisk milk with flour. Heat over medium until mixture begins to sputter, whisking constantly. Mixture is done when it reaches the consistency of thick cake batter, approx. 7 minutes of heating and whisking. Stir in vanilla and set aside to cool COMPLETELY.
In the bowl of a stand mixer with whisk attachment, or using a hand held mixer, beat butter and sugar until light, fluffy, and white in color, approx. 3 solid minutes of beating on medium-high speed. You want the sugar to be totally incorporated into the butter.
After the milk/flour mixture has cooled COMPLETELY, add it to the butter/sugar mixture. Beat all ingredients for about 1 minute on high speed, until they are smooth and well blended. The frosting should be as light and fluffy as whipped cream.
This made enough frosting to generously frost the cake I made. It was so good! I am slightly ashamed to say that over the period of a week, I ate about 3/4 of the cake. In my defense, I have been spending a lot of time at home since I still don't have a job, and I didn't want the cake to go to waste. :) I may have to stick to making this cake only for Ahmed's birthday.
Happy end of summer to all my fall loving friends!
Technically it was WOF #4, but this was the first year I attended. Ahmed and I spent a weekend camping in Yankton, SD with a group of wonderful friends.
We kicked off the weekend by arriving at the campground Friday night at dusk. Hurrying to set up our tent before dark, we realized we were missing a very important piece of tent hardware. After a few minutes ofbrainstormingme freaking out, Ahmed decided we could fashion something with duct tape to hold our tent up. By this time it was dark, but thanks to a group effort, we made it work. This was one of those not-funny-at-the-time-but-hilarious-later situations. We know how to make memories :)
It was a little sad looking, but it worked!
The duct tape was a success, considering our tent was still standing in the morning. We only got a little wet during an early morning thunderstorm, but luckily most of our belongings remained dry in the car.
Enjoying breakfast
Saturday made for a cold and damp morning, but breakfast was delicious! (As was all of the food the entire weekend- thanks for planning the menu Del!) After contemplating what to do with a chilly day, we decided to ignore the weather and go out on the boat/hang out on the beach. The water and beach were pretty deserted, with good reason- it was freezing! The sun did make a few appearances, and of course we still managed to have plenty of fun!
Delicia and Kendall on the boat
Becky and Kendall braving the tubes
While dinner was cooking, Alli organized a little WOF Beersbee tournament. The tournament got a little tricky after dark, but everyone really enjoyed playing the game!
Derek and Dori vs. Alli and Ryan
In my opinion, Sarah wins the award for best Beersbee facial expressions!
Becky is ready, but what are you doing Dan?
Other highlights of the weekend included fun and fellowship around the fire and tons of good food. Oh yeah, and that time I almost fell in the fire. No joke…it was dark and smoky and I tripped. It could have been so much worse, but I came out pretty much unscathed. If it hadn’t happened right next to the fire, I’m sure it would have been REALLY embarrassing, but my caring friends were mostly just concerned for my safety (and my camera- thanks Sarah :).
Making broomstick pies- YUM!
Ahmed and me
The girls
The whole group
I am so glad Ahmed and I were able to attend Weekend o' Fun round 4- the weekend definitely lived up to its name! We had so much fun, and it all went by way too fast. I am so thankful to call all of these awesome people friends!
After leaving Yankton, we made a pit stop in NW Iowa and spent Sunday afternoon with my family. The weekend was definitely a success!
One last thing: a little James and Elvin entertainment. Happy Wednesday!
About a year ago, I wrote my first blog post. Today, I am in the exact same place as I was last year...in the midst of a job search. The wonderful family I was nannying for has moved up to the twin cities area, and after working up there for the summer, I have returned to Rochester. I gave up my apartment about a month ago, so I am back in Rochester with no job and no apartment.
Jobless and homeless are scary sounding descriptions for my current situation, but I have no complaints. Even if it’s not ideal, I have somewhere to stay and a lot of people who love and support me. I know that God is in control and has a great plan.
Aside from my working and living situation, I have lots of other things going on in my life and relationships. These areas are a little harder for me to be content with, but I’m working on it. Last night, God knew EXACTLY what I needed to hear while I was doing my devotions, so I thought I would share them:Come to me when you are weak and weary. Rest snugly in My everlasting arms. I do not despise your weakness, My child. Actually, it draws Me closer to you, because weakness stirs up My compassion—My yearning to help. Accept yourself in your weariness, knowing that I understand how difficult your journey has been. Do not compare yourself with others, who seem to skip along their life-paths with ease. Their journeys have been different from yours, and I have gifted them with abundant energy. I have gifted you with fragility, providing opportunities for your spirit to blossom in My Presence. Accept this gift as a sacred treasure: delicate, yet glowing with brilliant Light. Rather than struggling to disguise or deny your weakness, allow Me to bless you richly through it.
A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice. ISAIAH 42:3“Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you. ISAIAH 54:10In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. ROMANS 8 : 26While God is carrying me through this week, I am very excited looking ahead to the weekend. I can't wait to be reunited with some great friends for a camping trip :)
My good intentions of getting caught up on my blog pre-4th of July were apparently not good enough, since the 4th was almost two weeks ago. Oh well…. Things have not slowed down since Heidi and Preston’s wedding the way I imagined they would.
The weekend after the wedding I finally had a Saturday without any big plans. Ahmed and I made a spontaneous kayaking trip to Lanesboro. For my first kayaking experience, it was a lot of fun, but 3 hours of it really wore me out!The day after kayaking, I had to “move” up to Minnetonka, MN, sore arms and all. The family I nanny for decided to enroll their girls in some summer programs in the Twin Cities area, so I am staying with them during the week. I am really missing Ahmed, but having a pool in the backyard has been pretty great with all of the hot weather that’s been around :)
The only pic from our kayaking trip. We left the camera int he car to prevent any water accidents :)
My remaining weekends in June were filled with three more weddings, which makes four total for the month of June. Whew! The weddings were with three totally different groups of people, so it was great to catch up with high school, college, and Rochester friends. One of the weekends I made a solo trip back to Iowa and was able to spend some quality time with my mom and sister (with no wedding stress!). We also made a quick trip up to Blue Mounds for some rock climbing.
I really thought I was going to get a break from the craziness over the 4th of July, because I had a full week off of work. The first half of my vacation was pretty great. Ahmed and I attended my college roommate’s beautiful wedding, and I had some more great time with my family. Then, I got sick (probably my body telling me to slow down) and also found out I had to move out of my apartment that weekend. This came as a surprise, since I wasn’t expecting to move until the end of August. Thankfully, I have the most loving mom and sister who came to Rochester and worked VERY hard to get my packed up and moved out of my apartment. I really didn’t have anywhere to move to, so my stuff is currently in a storage unit in Rochester.
College roommates Last weekend, I finally had a much needed break and a quiet couple of days. However, I’m pretty sure things won’t stay that way for long. I am technically homeless, and after the summer I will be jobless, so the job search is in full gear. I can’t really look for a place to live until I have somewhere to work…so I’m taking it one day at a time. After everything I went through with jobs last year, I did NOT think I would be in this position again so soon. It has been very difficult to find a balance between planning for my future and remembering that God is in a control and has a plan already in place.
My stuff...
I can’t believe that it’s already mid-July, but I don’t have to wonder where my summer has gone. It has been jam-packed full of weddings, friends, and family :)
The past 2 1/2 months are kind of a blur. It has definitely been the busiest I’ve been in a long time! I am currently living in Minnetonka, MN for work, but before I get to that I need to document the start of my summer. Obviously, I was busy with my sister’s wedding, but before that Ahmed and I made the 3 1/2 hour trek to Northwest Iowa 3 weekends in a row.
The second weekend in May my sister graduated from college, so the wedding prep was briefly set aside for her huge accomplishment. I’m so proud of you Heidi!
My mom and sister- aren't they beautiful? :)
Aside from my nephew’s birthday, the third weekend in May was extra special. I completed a 5k amid a sea of pink, running in memory of a dear friend, Tina Heilman. It was an honor to be a part of a group that started with some friends from high school and turned into 112 registered runners/walkers for the “Tutus for Tina” team. It was especially wonderful to catch up with my friends over the weekend!
The whole group
High school friends
Thanks to Laura for documenting the morning with such beautiful pictures!
The last of the three consecutive trips was the weekend before Heidi’s wedding (the last weekend in May). Ahmed and I were both able to stay at my parents’ house for a total of 10 days, and what a full house it was. With 8-10 people staying there every night (with one shower!) and even more several of the evenings, we were pretty cozy. It is always a blessing to be able to spend time with my family. The week was busy (as I mentioned in my last post), but so many wonderful memories were made!
Heidi's bachelorette party
Hanging out at my parents' house
Manis and pedis for the wedding
Setting up for the wedding reception
My awesome family- I love you all!
There are TONS of pictures on my Facebook page, check them out! This summer is going so fast- I can’t believe the fourth of July is only a week away! Hopefully I can catch up my blogging about June before then :)
It’s no secret how much I love my niece and nephews. So much so that sometimes people have assumed they’re mine :) Today, my oldest nephew James is turning five. He is growing to be such a sweet, smart, handsome little man! Happy Birthday, buddy! I love you!
May 15, 2007- I was in love with this sweet baby the second I saw him. It's hard to believe this was five years ago!
May 13, 2012- He is still sweet and loves to be a total goofball!
See more pictures here :)
I’m a little late with this, but that’s life :) Spring/Summer 2012 is looking pretty busy with graduations, birthdays, a 5k, eight weddings, and who knows what else! I am so thankful for all of the upcoming reasons to celebrate and spend lots of time with friends and family! God is so good!
Easter was a great start to kicking off spring.
James and Elvin apparently thought the Easter egg hunt was a race :)
The boys lost half of the eggs they found while they were running around, which made Emma’s egg hunting much easier. But of course, everyone got the same amount of candy in the end.
Love these kids!
We have already been to one wedding and had a great time. Congrats to Jon (my cousin) and Chelsey! I am looking forward to what the rest of spring and summer has in store!