Wednesdays and Optimus Prime

by - Wednesday, October 05, 2011

On Wednesday nights I volunteer at Awana at my church.  In a room of 20ish 3-4 year old kids.  Some weeks are just plain chaotic, but most weeks I leave with my heart full.  It is so precious and powerful to watch little kids get excited to learn about God. Plus the kids are very entertaining.
Tonight was one of the chaotic nights, but it still put a smile on my face. A little conversation with two 4 year old boys:
Boy 1 (completely out of the blue): "When I turn 16 I'm going to change my name."Me:  "Oh yeah? What are you going to change your name to?"Boy 1:  "Mario"Me:  "Wow- that's a cool name!"Boy 2:  "When I turn 16 I'm going to change my name to Optimus Prime!!"
I have to wonder- where does a four year old learn about name changing?  And Optimus Prime?  Happy Wednesday!  The week is more than half over!

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