Just a few thoughts
As I lay my head down after a long day, I feel restless. My mind feels like a web browser with no less than 50 tabs open, and I can't really focus on any one thing I'm thinking about. These thoughts are making me feel anxious, so I can't sleep. I start to feel even more anxious because I can't sleep, and I need to fall asleep right now or I'm going to be tired tomorrow. Which will make tomorrow seem even longer than today, and I'll feel even more anxious. It's a vicious cycle.
So I pray and tell myself that worrying is worthless. I have no reason to be anxious, because I serve a God who is bigger than all of my problems. He loves me and cares about my trivial difficulties, and He's got this.
This scenario has been playing out pretty much every day lately, and giving everything to God is easier said than done. "God doesn't give you more than you can handle." I've heard it many times, and I've told it to other people, but I have decided that I don't think it's really true. God regularly gives me way more than I can handle. The problem is that I keep trying to handle it. I think the truth is that God never gives me more than He can help me through. I just need to continually work on giving up control to Him.