Labor Day and Such

by - Tuesday, September 06, 2011

I have been at my new job for about a month, and I was more than ready for a day off yesterday...ha! It has been a challenging, overwhelming, tiring month, but I have learned a lot and am so thankful that I have a job.  And a little bit of a challenge is good for me, whether I like to admit it or not.
One perk of my job is I make my own hours, so I have been choosing long days Monday through Thursday and then working just a few hours on Fridays. Early Friday afternoon I headed to Iowa to spend the long weekend with my family.  What a great weekend it was! Some highlights and pictures: 
Giving James and Emma a bath and then watching them "run free" for a few minutes before getting jammies on.  Emma peed on the floor.  I laughed.
James and Grandma

Emma refused to say my name most of the weekend and thought it was funny to call me Heidi- what a stinker.  She's not even two.

Hiking at Oak Grove (state park near my parents' house) with some great people...which there are no pictures of because I brought my camera, but no memory card :(
Grandpa is such a pest

James and Emma yelling and trying to boss Petey (the dog) around while at Oak Grove...he didn't notice.
What a cutie

Spending a little (not enough) time with Ahmed before he left to go hiking in the Montana wilderness for the week.
"Hey Lenae, come take my picture!"

Great conversations with my parents and sister while spending a couple of hours in the car together Sunday afternoon.
She's as sweet as she looks...really.

Having a picnic and playing at the park before heading back to Minnesota.  The only time I didn't fail at taking pictures.
My dad is a little obsessed with taking cell phone pics of the kids.

Have a good week!

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