Thanks to the amazing weather we’ve been having, my brother invited Ahmed and I to go rock climbing at Blue Mounds State Park. As much fun as it sounded, I wasn’t sold on the idea since Ahmed and I have a lot of trips to make this summer. Gas isn’t free these days, so it didn’t seem like the responsible thing to do. After calling my brother at 10 pm Saturday night to inform him we didn’t think we’d be joining in the rock climbing fun this time, we changed our minds within an hour.
Sunday morning we loaded up and made the 3ish hour drive. Responsible or not, trips that involve seeing my family are ALWAYS worth it. Rock climbing was great too :)James is quite the little rock climber!
He was so excited to make it to the top! Way to go little man!This was my third rock climbing experience. I am really not the outdoorsy-athletic type, so it is quite a challenge. Actually, I’m a total wimp and my other experiences were rather short-lived. This trip I was feeling determined (plus it would be pretty embarrassing if my 4 1/2 year old nephew out climbed me). With some determination and a cute cheerleaders, I made it to the top. Woohoo!
Hearing “Lenae, I am so proud of you, cuz you’re awesome,” from James made the climbing even more rewarding. However his shouting (while looking through binoculars), “Hey Lenae! I can see your butt!” was not totally helpful :) Hanging onto a rock is extra difficult when you’re laughing.
Even though we spent half of the day in the car, I am so thankful for a few unexpected hours with my family.
Emma thought she needed a turn climbing too. Check out Facebook for more pictures!