Not having a job is hard work! (Sort of) I've been sleeping in a little bit, but still staying busy. Looking for a job is kind of a full time job itself, plus I have been getting ready for my family to come to Rochester this weekend (I can't wait!). I decided it was a good opportunity to do some cleaning, and I convinced Ahmed to hire me to do some painting in his house :)
A couple of people have asked me about the quote from my last post. Dr. John Stumbo was the senior pastor at Salem Alliance Church in Oregon until he had to deal with a terrible illness in 2008/2009. He happens to be friends with the senior pastor at the church Ahmed and I attend in Rochester. When Dr. Stumbo stepped down from being a pastor, he made a video clip that we viewed in our church. The quote is from that video, and I wrote it down because I found it really meaningful. I've held onto it for the past 2+ years (it's even on my Facebook page).
I was rather surprised this past Sunday when we got to church and found out that John Stumbo was giving the message (the day after I shared his quote on my blog- it was a little freaky). He shared the story of his illness and had an amazing message to go with it. I couldn't begin to do his story any justice if I tried to retell it, so trust me- it was good -as in tears-streaming-down-my-face-while-listening good! And the moral of his story: It's okay to grieve. We don't always have to pretend everything is all unicorns and's not. But no matter what, God is good.
Here's the quote one more time since it goes so well with his message:"Sometimes He's the God who delivers us from. Sometimes He's the God who walks us through. Either way, He's good. Sometimes He rescues. Sometimes He teaches us different lessons. Either way, He's good. You're going to learn something different about God if he rescues you or if He walks with you. You're going to learn something different about yourself if He rescues you or walks with you. God knows what you need. Our job is to trust Him." -John StumboGod is SO good!
I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while, and I now have some extra free time on my hands, so here it goes...
The wonderful family I spent the last year nannying for is moving to Seattle. Yesterday was my last day of work, and I have not found a job yet. Things aren't going anything like I planned, but they never do. About this time last year I started looking for a new job. My intention was to leave Rochester, and I thought finding a nanny job would be a great way to pick a new location for no reason other than I wanted something different. Then I was contacted by a family in Rochester, and everything changed. To say that the past year of my life has been nothing like I planned is an understatement, but it has been better- in a lot of ways. Rochester isn't my favorite place, but it is close to my family, and Ahmed is here. And it's where God wants me to be...for now.
I have no idea what's next or how long it will be until I find a job, but I have complete faith that God is in control and has a plan. I've had a few freak-out moments, but I keep reminding myself God has showed me (numerous times) that worrying is unnecessary. Things always work out."Sometimes He's the God who delivers us from. Sometimes He's the God who walks us through. Either way, He's good. Sometimes He rescues. Sometimes He teaches us different lessons. Either way, He's good. You're going to learn something different about God if he rescues you or if He walks with you. You're going to learn something different about yourself if He rescues you or walks with you. God knows what you need. Our job is to trust Him." -John Stumbo
"Our job is to trust Him." Easier said than done, but it's what I'm trying to do. I know that no matter what happens I will be okay, because God is faithful.